
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

the value before the numbers

Entering into the southwest was a pleasant change in scenery. The open deserts started populating with dense shrubbery, deeper red soil, and pueblo-style dwellings.

I’ve been staying in a variety of spaces: hotels, extended family’s homes, and camping under the stars. This time I wanted to find an Airbnb with someone who knew the area. I ended up at a local artist’s residence and studio. He recommended several galleries, museums, and hiking spots, and reminisced over his time painting backgrounds and set pieces for theatrical plays over 4 decades.

In a new region or city I often have 3 top places to visit, and find an increasing joy allowing interactions lead to deeper exploration. That’s how the locations grew from a personal note of 25 to 600 pins on a digital map. People and experiences are at their greatest value before conversion to a statistic. It’s what we count on first and remember last.
