
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

method path way

In Dallas I caught up with a friend who has made his life’s purpose quietly helping others around the world. As we were discussing the process of growth and creativity, I shared my focus on stillness from the beginning of the journey. It’s helped in the appreciation of small details that people and places hold. One example would be the peculiarly sweet smell of rain in the high desert after a thundershower.

He thought a bit and asked me if I heard of an author named Edgar Morin. He brought a book out of his bag and pointed to previously highlighted lines on a page:

I’ve been thinking about the “Method” as The “Path, Way, and Walk”, since then. It also had me considering the Mandalorians and Benedictine Monks and how they’ve adapted a similar “Way”.
