
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

extra lives

In a hotel lobby I struck up conversation with an elderly fellow wearing a hat that read “God ♥️s You.”

“Why does God love You?”, I asked him. He proceeded to tell me about his youth and time growing up on the South Side of Chicago, and how he had survived a gunshot wound to the head …twice. The pistol was fired so close the muzzle flare burned his chest. He pointed to a dimpled scar on his forehead where the projectile entered, and informed me doctors were unable to retrieve the bullet and it was still lodged in the back of his skull. The event drastically changed his vector: from a life of chaos, to a life of searching, to a life of purpose.

He wasn’t able to get to the second story, as he had to leave to help with an outreach initiative in the area. As he exited the front door I took a photo to remind myself that tomorrow is not guaranteed. How many unforeseen incidents could have marked the last day for any of us? We are all living extra lives.

If we each make an effort to navigate from this vantage point, perhaps decision making can be more clear than the day before.
