
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

nature > form

NOLA was a treat. I was always a fan of the architecture, cuisine, and music of the deep-south, french-infused, jazz-creating community. I wandered up and down Bourbon Street, walked through Jackson Square, explored St. Louis Cemetary No.3, and got lost in the Besthoff Sculpture Garden.

Some of my favorite human expressions are social and aesthetic elements juxtaposing one another in regional combination. I’m going to parallel a theme from one of my favorite games: God of War.

There is a character in it named Brok, who is explaining the finer points of Dwarven magic. He states, “The nature of a thing is more important than the form of a thing”. In that sense, understanding something lies beyond appearance or rote function. By considering the internal characteristics and instances that make up what it is, we may appreciate the form with more clarity.
