
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

best means for travel

Grand Canyon Railway connects Grand Canyon Village to WIlliams. I stopped by to witness the other end of the tracks for the line and passengers.

Initially, the main line west was built from Chicago to Los Angeles and it passed through Williams, Arizona. The Railroad was originally built to transport ore in the Wild West from the Anita mines, 45 miles north of Williams, in the late 1800s.

You board and arrive through a terminal that requires a National Park Pass with an ID. It is a fun reminder of where the ride takes place.

Outside of the terminal there are historical artifacts for all to enjoy.

Jake No. 017 is a 105-year old car that passed through ownership of several companies until lastly serving with the Copper Basin Railway. After being retired from the fleet, Jake Jacobson, whom the train car is named after, secured it for his personal use.

Cog 4 ran on the Manatou and Pikes Peak Railway, which is the highest railway in the United States, and the highest rack railway in the world. That would be the reason for the aggressive incline of the axels and wheels underneath.

Knowing the terrain determines the best means for travel.
