
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

moran point, grandview point, twin overlook

The last three broad vistas before Grand Canyon Village are Moran, Grandview, and Twin.

Moran Point is named for Thomas Moran, an artist well known for his landscape paintings of the western United States. His work helped to create many national parks.

Grandview Point sits at mid-point between the Desert View Watchtower and Grand Canyon Village. Activity here is higher, as it also connects to a series of trails leading to Horseshoe Mesa and the river. Until the turn of the 20th century, this was the most popular destination in the entire park.

The Grandview Trail starts here at the scenic overlook and plunges steeply into the canyon. Originally constructed in the late 1800s, this trail served mining operations, enabling the transport of copper ore using burros and mules.

The rain cloud was closing distance. It was likely to be overhead in about 15 minutes.

The rainstorm had finally arrived, bringing gusty winds and 45 degree raindrops. Before heading to the south exit for evening rest on Route 66, I took in one last view of Twin Overlook.

It’s mesmerizing how every stop along the South Rim can be stared at and appreciated.
