
I have been on a 50 state, 2500 location, 24000 mile trek across North America. These are the stories along the Way.

horseshoe reflection

Southwest of Paige in the Ferry Swale Canyon is a walkway down to a significant turn in the Colorado River: Horseshoe Bend. A crowd had gathered, anticipating the overlook against the red rock sunset.

Below the rim, the Colorado River makes a wide sweep around a sandstone escarpment. On its long downward journey to the sea, the river meandered, sometimes making wide bends, but always seeking the path of least resistance. Over time, the rivers cut through the uplifted layers of sandstone.

Waiting 45 minutes brought the sun to an edge with the horizon line, sharpening images in the water below. I stepped along the unpopulated perimeter of the canyon, breathing in the crisp desert and river air, reflecting on the beauty of the evening.
